OBGYN Station 3
Station 3
Bladder problems
Candidate Instructions
You are a junior doctor working in GP/family medicine. This patient has presented complaining of incontinence.
Name: Janet Baker
1. Take a history from the patient.
2. Give your preferred diagnosis to the examiner.
3. Outline your management plan to the examiner.
Simulated Patient Instruction
Diagnosis: Stress IncontinenceYou have presented to the GP with incontinence.
For this scenario, your details are:
Patient Name: Janet Baker (age: 68)
Opening statement
“I’ve noticed that I’ve been leaking for the last couple of months”
Information to Give Freely
It happens whenever I’m laughing with my friends which is really embarrassing. It also happens when I sneeze or cough, and now that it’s hay fever season it’s happening more and more!
Presenting Complaint (bleeding)
Site – You’re sure that it is from you urethra and not the vaginaOnset – It started about 2 months ago, you thought it would go away by itself but it hasn’t.
Character – It looks like normal urine. It’s only a few drops when it happens. You haven’t noticed any blood and there’s no strong smell. The volume of urine is just a couple of drops.
Radiation – No discharge or incontinence elsewhere.
Associated symptoms – No lower urinary tract symptoms. No dragging sensations down below (this could suggest prolapse).
Exacerbating/relieving factors - coughing, sneezing, and laughing makes it worse.
Severity - You worry about going out, especially for drinks with your friends.
Gynae History
Last menstrual period - LMP was about 13 years ago, theres been no bleeding since.Age of menarche/menopause - Started period at age 14, last period at age 55.
Relevant sexual history - In a monogamous relationship. No previous STIs. No STI symptoms. Not currently having sex.
Smear status - up to date, no abnormal results.
Obs History
Any previous pregnancies? - 4Past Medical and Drug History
Previous similar episodes - NoOther conditions? - No
Previous surgeries? - No
Prescribed - Nil
OTC - Nil
Allergies - Penicillin if asked you come out in a rash
Contraceptive use - Condoms
Family History
Social History
Smoking history - nilAlcohol - drink 3 glasses of wine every weekend
Coffee/Tea - None (relevant in incontinence histories, particularly if considering urge incontinence).
Home - fully independent living in a house with your husband.
Systems Review
You are otherwise well apart, with no other symptoms. You rarely see the doctor.
Ideas / Concerns / Expectation
Ideas - “Is it something to do with my pelvic floor?”Concerns - “It’s stopped me doing things like going out with friends or going anywhere there won’t be a bathroom nearby”
Expectations - “Anything that can stop it, ideally some medication”
Discussion and Questions
Start the Timer and Begin
Presenting complaint
Gynae History
Obstetric History
Past Medical History
Drug History
Family History
Social History
Ideas, Concerns, Expectations
Systems Review
Examiner Instructions
At this point please direct the candidate to move on to diagnosis, and management.
Diagnosis & Interpretation
Assessment and Management
Submit for Scoring
Tags | OBGYN | Gynae | Stress incontinence | Incontinence
Station Written by: Dr Rishil Patel
Peer Reviewed by: Dr Benjamin Armstrong
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