OBGYN Station 2
Station 2
Pregnancy can be a headache
Candidate Instructions
You are a junior doctor working in an obstetric clinic. This patient has presented from her GP with a headache. She is 30 weeks pregnant.
Name: Caroline Gilbert
1. Take a history from the patient.
2. Interpret the initial investigations to the examiner.
3. Give your preferred diagnosis to the examiner.
4. Give your initial management plan to the examiner.
Simulated Patient Instruction
Diagnosis: Pre-EclampsiaYou have presented to the obstetric clinic after seeing your GP about a headache. Your GP referred you to this clinic on the same day. You are 30 weeks pregnant with your second+third children on the way (twins!).
For this scenario, your details are:
Patient Name: Caroine Gilbert (36yo)
Opening statement
“Thank you for seeing me on such short notice Doctor, I went to my GP earlier today (about 6 hrs ago) because I’ve had a headache and it’s driving me crazy. She took my blood pressure and she said it was high, and then sent me in to see you. But she didn’t tell me what she was specifically worried about so now I’m really scared that my babies aren’t okay.”
Information to Give Freely
I’ve had this headache for about 18 hours, and paracetamol wasn’t helping at all. I couldn’t cope with it anymore so I went to the GP to see if other pain medications would be available, and she sent me here with none!
Presenting Complaint (bleeding)
Site – headache, frontal area of headOnset – gradual onset about 18 hours ago, no trigger
Character – dull, throbbing but intense pain
Radiation – just in the head near the front
Associated symptoms – nausea (no vomiting), and visual changes (flashing). Only state about visual changes if they ask specifically.
Timing – just gradually getting more intense
Exacerbating/relieving factors - nothing makes it better or worse, it’s just always there. Paracetamol did not help.
Severity – it started around a 4/10 and it’s now 7/10
Gynae History
Last menstrual period - LMP was about 7 months ago before I was pregnant.Age of menarche - Started period at age 14.
Relevant sexual history/current status- Living with husband. Monogamous relationship. No previous STIs. Last test was 10 years ago before we got married.
Smear status - up to date, no abnormal results.
Obs History
No problems so far in the pregnancy, your scans have been normal except that you are having twins. They are growing well so far. I have had one extra scan than usual to monitor them, but they are in good positions according to the scan.1 previous baby boy was born vaginally at 39 weeks and was 8lb. This was 3 years ago and the birth was uncomplicated. You went home the same day with no problems.
No previous ectopic pregnancies or terminations.
You have felt fetal movements recently.
Past Medical and Drug History
Previous similar episodes - nilOther medical conditions - Eczema, well managed with emollients.
Previous surgeries - nil
Prescribed medications - emollients for eczema. Nil else.
Over the counter - Has tried paracetamol for the headache.
Allergies - NKDA.
Contraceptive methods used: nil for the last year, was using the progesterone only pill until you started trying for your second baby.
Family History
Social History
Smoking history - nilAlcohol - nil since pregnancy. Previously had about ½ bottle wine per week.
Home - fully independent living in a house with your husband and other child (3 years old).
Systems Review
Ideas / Concerns / Expectation
Ideas - you are wondering if it’s a migraineConcerns - you are worried that it’s something that going to hurt your babies
Expectations - you want to find out what is going on and that if your babies will be okay
Discussion and Questions
If the candidate does not acknowledge your fears about your babies’ well-being then you can get angry or upset about them not listening to you.
Patient Results
Please interpret these results
Blood pressure earlier today at the GP surgery (6 hours ago): 152/101
Observations in clinic now;
Hb -ve |
Glucose -ve |
Protein ++ |
Ketones -ve |
Leucocytes -ve |
Nitrites -ve |
Start the Timer and Begin
Presenting complaint
Gynae History
Obstetric History
Past Medical History
Drug History
Family History
Social History
Ideas, Concerns, Expectations
Systems Review
Examiner Instructions
At this point please direct the candidate to review the blood results provided if they have not done so already.
Please interpret these results
Blood pressure earlier today at the GP surgery (6 hours ago): 152/101
Observations in clinic now;
Hb -ve |
Glucose -ve |
Protein ++ |
Ketones -ve |
Leucocytes -ve |
Nitrites -ve |
Diagnosis & Interpretation
Assessment and Management
Note: this patient may be suitable for management at home as BP is below 160/110 but a senior must review the patient before this decision can be made. If symptoms are progressive or there are any signs that the baby is in distress then admission and potentially even early delivery may be indicated. This isn’t suggested by this case but further observation and review would be required. If the patient was sent home regular consultant-led follow ups would be required, including BP every 48 hours and blood tests twice per week.
Submit for Scoring
Tags | OBGYN | Pre-eclampsia | Pre Eclampsia | Pregnancy
Station Written by: Dr Polly McGrath
Peer Reviewed by: Dr Benjamin Armstrong
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