General Surgery Station 4
Station 4
A case of abdominal pain with a twist
Candidate Instructions
You are a junior doctor working in Surgical Assessment Unit. This patient presents with abdominal pain.
Name: Michael Moore
1. Take a history from the patient.
2. State the investigations you would like to the examiner.
3. State you differential diagnosis to the examiner.
4. Interpret the results to the examiner.
5. State your management to the examiner.
Simulated Patient Instructions
Diagnosis: Renal colic presenting with abdominal painYou are Michael Moore (age 32).
You have presented to the surgical assessment unit with abdominal pain.
Appearance and Behaviour
Please act like you are in severe pain on the right side, and therefore cannot sit still or get comfortable..
Opening statement
Doctor, I have such severe pain, I can’t get comfortable. Please help me.
Information to Give Freely
It all started in the night, it woke me up. Such horrible pain on my right side, I’ve never had anything like it.
Presenting Complaint
Site – the right flankOnset – Unsure as it woke me from sleep about 18 hours ago.
Character – comes and goes in waves. Is it very sharp and crampy when it’s bad, then it fades away to a dull ache.
Radiates - to the right groin
Associated symptoms – one episode of vomiting, feels nauseous. Has felt hot and cold, but doesn’t own a thermometer. Some dysuria and haematuria for the past 12 hours.
Timing – it has stayed the same since onset. No triggers you can think of.
Exacerbating/relieving factors - nothing makes it better or worse, paracetamol doesn’t help.
Severity< – 10/10 severity, worst pain you have ever had.
Past Medical History
Previous similar episodes - nilOther medical conditions - nil
Previous surgeries - surgery on arm at 15yo after breaking it.
Drug History
Prescribed - nilOver the counter - paracetamol
Allergies - NKDA
Family History
Nil significant that you can think of.
Social History
Smoking - You've never smokedAlcohol - You don't drink very often at all, only at weddings.
Home - lives with wife at home, works as estate agent.
Mobility - fully mobile
ADLs - independent
Systems Review
General/red flags - Hot and cold spellsNeuro - Nil
Resp - NO breathlessness
Cardio - NO Palpitations or chest pain
GI - Vomitting and nausea, NO haematemesis, NO melaena
GU - Dysuria and haematuria present for past 12 hours. NO increased frequency or urgency.
Joints - NO joint involvemnet
Ideas / Concerns / Expectation
Ideas - I honestly have no ideaConcerns - I’m worried the pain isn’t going to go away, nothing is helping it
Expectations - Please help this pain stop, that’s all I want
Discussion / Questions
If you don’t feel the candidate is reflecting back that they will get you pain medication, you can get angry (this is at your discretion from glaring disapprovingly to screaming) but settle down when they say they will help you.
Patient Results
Please interpret these results
Name: Michael Moore
Age: 32
Date of Results:
Observations | |
NEWS | 1 |
Respiratory Rate | 16 |
Heart Rate | 71 |
Blood Pressure | 131/71 |
Oxygen Saturation | 98% on Room Air |
Temperature | 38.4 |
Blood | Value | Normal Range |
White Cell Count | 12.9x109/L | 4.0-11.0 x109/L |
CRP | 32 mg/L | <5 mg/L |
Sodium | 143 mg/L | 135-145 mg/L |
Potassium | 3.8 mg/L | 3.5-5 mg/L |
Urea | 11.9 mg/L | 2-7 mg/L |
Creatinine | 132 umol/L | 55-120 umol/L |
eGFR | 80 umol/L | >90 ml/min |
Urinalysis | |
Hb | +++ |
Leu | ++ |
Nitrites | Positive |
Protein | Negative |
Ketones | Negative |
Start the Timer and Begin
Presenting complaint
Past Medical History
Drug History
Family History
Social History
Systems Reviews
Ideas, Concerns, Expectations
Diagnosis & Interpretation
At this point please direct the candidate to provide their investigations and differentials, and then to interpret the results provided.
Please interpret these results
Name: Michael Moore
DoB: 15/01/1990
Date of Results:
Observations | |
NEWS | 1 |
Respiratory Rate | 16 |
Heart Rate | 71 |
Blood Pressure | 131/71 |
Oxygen Saturation | 98% on Room Air |
Temperature | 38.4 |
Blood | Value | Normal Range |
White Cell Count | 12.9x109/L | 4.0-11.0 x109/L |
CRP | 32 mg/L | <5 mg/L |
Sodium | 143 mg/L | 135-145 mg/L |
Potassium | 3.8 mg/L | 3.5-5 mg/L |
Urea | 11.9 mg/L | 2-7 mg/L |
Creatinine | 132 umol/L | 55-120 umol/L |
eGFR | 80 umol/L | >90 ml/min |
Urinalysis | |
Hb | +++ |
Leu | ++ |
Nitrites | Positive |
Protein | Negative |
Ketones | Negative |
Submit for Scoring
Tags | General Surgery | Abdominal Pain | Back Pain | Acute Abdomen | Surgery | Renal colic | Kidney | Stone
Station Written by: Dr Polly McGrath
Peer Reviewed by: Dr Rishil Patel
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