General Surgery Station 6
Station 6
Acute onset abdominal pain
Candidate Instructions
You are a Foundation Year doctor working in the GP. This patient has presented with leg pain.
Leanne Rowley
1. Take a focused history from the patient.
2. State your differential diagnosis to the examiner.
3. State any investigations you would like to carry out to the examiner.
4. Please interpret the investigation provided to the examiner.
Simulated Patient Instructions
Diagnosis: Peripheral vascular disease presenting with lower leg pain.You are Leanne Rowley a 71 year old female.
You have presented to your GP practice with leg pain.
Appearance and Behaviour
You should appear comfortable at rest with no pain at time of questioning, however you are getting frustrated that this pain is limiting your mobility.
Opening statement
“I’ve been getting this terrible pain in my leg while I’m walking. ”
Information to Give Freely
Everytime I go for a walk, my leg starts hurting. It would only happen now and then initially but now it happens every time I walk.
Presenting Complaint
Site – left calfOnset – started a couple of months ago
Character – cramping/achey pain
Radiation – nil.
Associated symptoms – No chest pain or shortness of breath. No leg swelling or erythema. No pain in buttocks or thighs. You’ve noticed you’ve lost some hair on the left calf/shin and the skin is quite shiny.
Timing – it’s been happening with increasing frequency.
Exacerbating/relieving factors – starts when walking and is worse up hills/stairs. It goes away with rest in about 5-10 minutes. NO pain at rest.
Severity – Initially 3/10, now usually 7-8/10. It’s starting to affect your mobility - before you could walk indefinitely without much issue, now you start noticing the pain after a couple of minutes of walking (about 500m)
Past Medical History
Previous episodes: No similar episodes before this started a month agoOther medical conditions - Hypertension, type 2 DM (with poor control), angina
Previous surgeries - nil
Drug History
Prescribed - GTN for angina, Insulin for Diabetes (Lantus injection every night), ramipril, amlodipine and bendroflumethiazide for hypertension.Over the counter - Nil
Allergies - NKDA
Family History
Your aunt had a blood clot in her leg.
Social History
Smoking history - smoking 25 a day for the last 50 years, tried to cut down recently and are receiving support from GP.Alcohol - nil
Home - live alone in a bungalow, your children live nearby and are supportive.
Normally fully independent, although recently you have found that your legs are giving you trouble when you walk around the supermarket.
Systems Review
General/red flags - no fever, no weight loss, no night sweatsNeuro - Nil
Resp - No shortness of breath, no hemoptysis.
Cardio - Occasionally have chest pain relieved by GTN spray - you aren’t concerned, it’s just part of your angina. No leg swelling or waking up feeling breathless at night.
GI - Nil
GU - Nil
Joints - No joint pain, no swelling or redness.
Skin- left leg hairless, shiny, you have noticed the left leg is cold to touch at the toes.
Ideas / Concerns / Expectation
Ideas - “Could it be arthritis? I know a few friends have had it”Concerns - “It will keep getting worse until I can’t walk any more”
Expectations - “Some good pain relief to let me walk further”
Discussion / Questions
Start the Timer and Begin
Presenting complaint
Past Medical History
Drug History
Family History
Social History
Systems Reviews
Ideas, Concerns, Expectations
Examiner Instruction
At this point please direct the candidate to move on to the diagnosis, and explanation stage of the station.
Investigations & Interpretation
Please provide the following results to the candidate, please allow them to use a calculator;
Please interpret these results
Name - Ms Leanne Rowley
DoB - 08/06/1950
Time of Test - Today at 09:50
Left arm systolic brachial pressure - 147 mmHg
Left leg systolic dorsalis pedis pressure - 97 mmHg
ABPI - not yet calculated
Submit for Scoring
Tags | Vascular Surgery | Calf Pain | PVD | Surgery | Peripheral Vascular Disease
Station Written by: Dr Joanna Mantio
Peer Reviewed by: Dr Rishil Patel
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