General Surgery Station 5
Station 5
Acute lower abdominal pain
Candidate Instructions
You are a junior doctor working in A&E. This patient has presented with abdominal pain.
Name: Sophie Bungard
1. Take a history from the patient.
2. Interpret the investigations to the examiner.
3. State your top diagnosis and 2 differentials to the examiner.
4. State your management to the examiner.
Simulated Patient Instructions
Diagnosis: Appendicitis presenting with acute abdominal painYou are Sophie Bungard (age 20).
You have presented to the Emergency Department with abdominal pain.
Appearance and Behaviour
Act like you’re in significant pain…we’re sure you have the ‘act like a student bit’ down so go give your best Oscar winning performance of 'Generic Uni Student 1'.
Opening statement
I’m having this horrible stomach pain, it’s getting worse and I can’t stand it anymore
Information to Give Freely
It’s really bad, it started yesterday night and I just feel awful so I came into hospital this morning.
Presenting Complaint
Site – right lower abdomen. However if specifically asked: say that it started around your belly button, and then moved to the right lower abdomen this morning.Onset – started at 10pm last night, came on within half an hour, no triggers.
Character – dull ache, constant, turns to stabbing if I move.
Radiation – no radiation.
Associated symptoms – 2 episodes of vomiting (no blood, just stomach contents), had a fever of 38C overnight, anorexia. Bowels normal. Urine normal.
Timing – it has worsened since onset
Exacerbating/relieving factors – no relieving factors, but is worse on movement and things like coughing. The speed bumps on the car ride over were absolute agony. Paracetamol did not help.
Severity – currently is a 7/10, started at about 4/10.
Gynae - No PV bleeding/discharge. LMP: 3 weeks ago (usually is regular at 28 days). Is on the progesterone only pill so doesn’t think she is pregnant, no sex for 5 months.
Past Medical History
Previous similar episodes - nilOther medical conditions - anxiety
Previous surgeries - nil
Drug History
Prescribed - combined oral contraceptive pillOver the counter - paracetamol
Allergies - nil
Family History
Your grandad had diverticulitis that caused him a lot of abdominal pain.
Social History
Smoking - socially (around 5 cigarettes per month)Alcohol - socially (about 1 bottle of wine per month)
Home - lives in flat with university housemates (studying psychology)
ADLs - fully independent
Systems Review
General/red flags - FeversNeuro - Nil
ENT - Nil
Resp - Nil
Cardio - Nil
GI - Vomiting with NO haematemesis. Anorexia present. NO malaena
GU - NO increased frequency, urgency, dysuria, or haematuria
Ideas / Concerns / Expectation
Ideas - Food poisoning?Concerns - Am I pregnant? I know some people can become pregnant without knowing!
Expectations - Please make the pain go away!
Discussion / Questions
If the candidate mentions you having surgery, then you can become scared and upset as you are afraid of hospitals, especially staying overnight. You respond to them well if they offer clear and calm explanations.
Patient Results
Please interpret these results
Name: Sophie Bungard
Age: 20
Date of Results:
Observations | |
NEWS | 3 |
Respiratory Rate | 16 |
Heart Rate | 98 |
Blood Pressure | 98/62 |
Oxygen Saturation | 97% on Room Air |
Temperature | 37.8 |
Blood | Value | Normal Range |
Haemoglobin | 121 g/L | 120-155 g/L |
White Cell Count | 11.9x109/L | 4.0-11.0 x109/L |
CRP | 72 mg/L | <5 mg/L |
Sodium | 141 mg/L | 135-145 mg/L |
Potassium | 3.9 mg/L | 3.5-5 mg/L |
Urea | 5.3 mg/L | 2-7 mg/L |
Creatinine | 92 umol/L | 55-120 umol/L |
eGFR | 110 umol/L | >90 ml/min |
Start the Timer and Begin
Presenting complaint
Past Medical History
Drug History
Family History
Social History
Systems Reviews
Ideas, Concerns, Expectations
Examiner Instruction
At this point please direct the candidate to move on to the diagnosis, and explanation stage of the station.
Please interpret these results
Name: Sophie Bungard
DoB: 03/01/2002
Date of Results:
Observations | |
NEWS | 3 |
Respiratory Rate | 16 |
Heart Rate | 98 |
Blood Pressure | 98/62 |
Oxygen Saturation | 97% on Room Air |
Temperature | 37.8 |
Blood | Value | Normal Range |
Haemoglobin | 121 g/L | 120-155 g/L |
White Cell Count | 11.9x109/L | 4.0-11.0 x109/L |
CRP | 72 mg/L | <5 mg/L |
Sodium | 141 mg/L | 135-145 mg/L |
Potassium | 3.9 mg/L | 3.5-5 mg/L |
Urea | 5.3 mg/L | 2-7 mg/L |
Creatinine | 92 umol/L | 55-120 umol/L |
eGFR | 110 umol/L | >90 ml/min |
Diagnosis & Interpretation
- Ectopic pregnancy
? This is the key differential to rule out. Pregnancy must be excluded in all females of child bearing age
- Ovarian torsion
- Ovarian cyst +/- rupture
- Gastroenteritis
At this point - regardless of their answers, you should inform the candidate that the main differential is Appendicitis, and prompt them to move onto the next step.
Submit for Scoring
Tags | General Surgery | Abdominal Pain | Acute Abdomen | Surgery | Gallstones
Station Written by: Dr Polly McGrath
Peer Reviewed by: Dr Megan Burns
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