Psychiatry Station 4
Station 4
“Poison is in everything, and no thing is without poison” - Paracelsus
Ooooooo…deep quote
Candidate Instructions
You are a Foundation doctor working in General Practice. This patient has presented with worsening hot flushes and mental fog.
Name: Janine Roberts
1.Take a brief history from the patient.
2.At 5 minutes the exminer will inform you of some clincal findings. At this point you should formulate a differential diagnosis and state this to the examiner.
3.Provide your inital management plan to the exmainer.
Simulated Patient Instructions
Diagnosis: Serotonin Sydnrome
You are Janine Roberts, a 50 year old female patient, DoB 12/03/1974.
You have presented to your GP with worse hot flushes and mental fog.
Appearance and Behaviour
You are anxious to get an answer about what is causing this. You find it difficult to sit still, if you're a decent actor you can try and put on a mild tremor!.
Opening statement
"I’ve come in because I’m feeling awful - I’m boiling hot all day and I can’t think straight."
Information to Give Freely
So I’ve been having hot flushes and feeling rubbish for a while since I started going through the menopause and it’s been pretty static. Over the last day or so though I’ve been absolutely terrible, like one long hot flush. I can’t think straight, and my wife says I’ve been really scatterbrained the last couple of days. I know menopause can make me like that but it’s been different.
Presenting Complaint
For the last two days I’ve been feeling unbearably hot, and my heart has been racing. I’m constantly sweating, to the point where I take multiple showers in a day. Normally the flushes come and go, but this one has been constant.
I’ve been getting muddled - I just can’t think straight and it’s making me frustrated. I’m snapping at my family which really isn’t like me. I can’t sleep properly either, despite everything.
I’m losing my train of thought really easily, sometimes in the middle of a conversation. My memory is alright, I’m just a bit all over the place and get lost easily if I’m doing things around the house. I completely blanked in a meeting the other day, hallways through a presentation.
My wife has said I’m fidgeting as well, but I don’t feel like I can help it. I’m having these weird twitches - my arms are shaky and twitchy, like I’m suddenly tensing up. It’s in my arms and legs, but mostly my legs. I just feel like I can’t stay still and it’s driving me insane!
(Only reveal if asked about bowel habits) - I’ve had diarrhoea over the last two days. No blood, no mucus. Just loose stools, opening bowels about 3-4 times a day with mild nausea throughout the day. Appetite is reduced.
(Only reveal if asked about triggering events) - the only thing I’ve changed recently is that I started taking a new supplement to help me sleep - it’s “relax” gummies, I think it’s tryptophan.
There is no history of recent viral illness - other than perimenopausal symptoms, she has been in good health for a long time.
There is no evidence of mania, and no psychotic symptoms.
Past Medical History
Previous similar episodes - Hot flushes for approx 6 months, diagnosed as perimenopause, but no agitation, tachycardia, or tremors.
Other medical conditions:
No previous involvement with mental health services
Drug History
Over the counter:
No known drug allergies
Family History
Nil of note
Social History
Smoking history - Never smoked
Alcohol - has a small glass of wine with dinner every other day or so
Illicit drugs - Nil
Job - Civil Engineer
Systems Review:
General/red flags - Agitation, confusion, sweating, heat intolerance
Neuro - Tremor - will describe as sharp “muscle twitches” and coarse unpredictable shakes
Resp - Slightly out of breath quicker than usual
Cardio - Tachycardia, palpitations
GI - Diarrhoea, nausea but no vomiting
Ideas / Concerns / Expectation
Ideas - thinks the medication isn’t working, and I think it may be making these menopause symptoms worse.
Concerns - This is going to disrupt my work - I can’t sleep properly and I’m always exhausted
Expectations - Give me something else to sort these symptoms out!
Discussion / Questions
I measured my blood pressure at home and it seemed really high, is there anything you can give me to help?
Examiner Prompts
On candidate's entry into the station:
State - You have 5 minutes to take a history from this patient, at which point I will stop you and ask you some questions.
At 5 minutes:
Inform the candidate of the following clinical findings:
The patient appears diaphoretic and visibly flushed. Her pulse feels fast but regular, normal volume and regular. She feels warm to the touch to her peripheries. She appears restless, and her legs shake constantly during the examination.
On examination, she has rigidity in both upper and lower limbs bilaterally, more pronounced in the lower limbs. You are able to elicit clonus in both lower limbs for 6 beats on each side. Pupils are dilated at 6mm when under bright light, but equal and reactive. She has upgoing plantar reflexes bilaterally and is hyperreflexic on examination of lower limb reflexes. Upper limb reflexes are normal.
Chest is clear, heart sounds normal and abdomen SNT. Bowel sounds are increased.
After giving the above information, you should prompt the candidate for their differential diagnosis
At 8 minutes (if the candidate has not already moved onto management):
State "If this patient were experiencing serotonin syndrome, what would be your immediate management?"
Start the Timer and Begin
Presenting complaint
Ellicits the following key symptoms:
Past Medical History
Drug History
Family History
Social History
Systems Reviews
Ideas, Concerns, Expectations
Examiner Prompt - 5 minutes
Please inform the candidate of the following examination findings and prompt them to give state and explain their differential diagnoses
RESP - Saturating 98% on room air. Respiratory rate of 22. Chest clear on auscultation, no increase in work of breathing.
CVS - Heart rate 110bpm, BP 160/95, Temperature 38.8C. Appears diaphoretic and visibly flushed. Peripherally warm. Good volume, tachycardic, regular peripheral pulses. Heart sounds dual, no murmur. No peripheral oedema.
GIT - Abdomen SNT throughout, hyperactive bowel sounds.
Examiner Prompt - 8 minutes
If they have not done so already, please interrupt the candidate at 8 minutes and prompt them to move onto their management.
Supportive Management - Agitation:
Supportive Management - Hyperthermia:
Definitive Management:
Submit for Scoring
Tags | Psych | Psychiatry | Serotonin Syndrome | Drug Toxicity
Station Written by: Dr Tom Charles
Peer Reviewed by: Dr Rishil Patel
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