Psych Station 10
Station 10
An accident that happened in a flash.
Candidate Instructions
You are a GP in a community health centre. Your next patient is a 20 year old male who presents today with complaints of poor sleep and difficulty concentrating.
Name (patient): Michael Thompson
1. Take a history from the patient.
2. Give the examiner your main diagnosis and 2 differentials.
3. Discuss the intial management plan with the patient.
Simulated Patient Instructions
Diagnosis: PTSDYou are Michael Thompson, age 20.
You have presented to the GP with difficulty sleeping and concentrating in college.
Appearance and Behaviour
Nil specific.
Opening statement
“I have trouble falling asleep, and when I do, I often wake up in a panic, drenched in sweat.”
Information to give freely
“I feel anxious and on edge most of the time. My concentration has worsened, making it difficult to focus on my university work.”
Presenting Complaint
Diagnosis - PTSDHistory - I was involved in a severe car accident three months ago, where I lost control of the car on a wet road and crashed into a tree. I sustained minor physical injuries but was discharged from the hospital after a couple of days.
Core symptoms of PTSD
Sleep - I have these nightmares almost every night. It’s like I’m reliving the accident over and over again. I wake up in a panic, sweating, and then I can’t get back to sleep.
Concentration - I used to do pretty well in school, but now I just can’t focus. My mind keeps drifting back to the accident.
Mania / Psychosis / Compulsion - no manic, compulsive, or psychotic symptoms.
Risk Assessment - Sometimes I feel like it’s too much to handle, but I haven’t thought about hurting myself. I just want it to stop.
Past Medical History
Previous similar episodes - nothing similar previouslyOther medical conditions - none
Forensic History
Previous police encounters - noneDrug History
Prescribed - NoneOver the counter - None
Allergies - None
Family History
NoneSocial History
Smoking / Alcohol / Drugs - NoneJob - Uni student and bar tender
Home - live with parents, they are concerned you are not yourself.
Systems Review
General/red flags - night sweats, no fever or weight change.Neuro - Nil
Resp - Nil, no hyperventilation
Cardio - Palpitations and chest pain when thinking of the accident
GI - nil
Ideas / Concerns / Expectation
Ideas - Will it be like this forever now?Concerns - I’m worried that this is affecting my whole life.
Expectations - I really hope there is something I can do to get back to normal.
Discussion / Questions
The candidate will explain his management plan to you, you should be receptive to this.
Start the Timer and Begin
Presenting complaint
Risk Assessment
Past Medical History
Forensic History
Drug History
Family History
Social History
Systems Reviews
Ideas, Concerns, Expectations
Examiner Instruction
At this point please direct the candidate to give you their 3 leading differentials.
Investigation and Diagnosis
Submit for Scoring
Tags | Psychiatry | PTSD | Post traumatic stress disorder
Station Written by: Dr Sara Pender
Peer Reviewed by: Dr Benjamin Armstrong
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