Psych Station 8
Station 8
ARRGHHHHHAHHHH!!! (an agitated patient)
Candidate Instructions
You are the intern on call at a general hospital. The nurse on the psychiatric ward has called you about a 30-year-old male patient who is expressing acute agitation.
Name (patient): James Turner
Name (nurse) : Simon
1. Take a history from the nurse over the phone.
2. Discuss the intial management plan with the nurse.
Simulated Patient Instructions
Diagnosis: Acute Agitation (in context of schizophrenia)You are Simon, a nurse on a psychiatry ward looking after a patient named James Turner.
You have called the intern because your patient has become acutely aggresive to staff.
Appearance and Behaviour
Initially you are heightened because the patient just threatened your junior nursing staff and you want the doctor to come NOW to sort this out. You settle if the doctor is reassuring and apologise.
Opening statement
“Doctor you have to come to the psych ward now, James is getting aggresive and threatening staff!”
Presenting Complaint
Diagnosis - James has a diagnosis of Schizophrenia which is why he's on the psych wardHistory - inpatient for 3 weeks and was initially doing well on medication
Timing - behaviour change started this morning and he's become increasingly agitated throughout the day
Behaviour - verbally aggressive to patients and staff, no physical violence, pacing angrily, threatening to leave the hospital, things are escalating
Abnormal thoughts - James is saying that the hospital staff are plotting against him and that the medications are "poison."
Medication - been refusing antipsychotics for 48 hours, he's still refusing oral medications
Vitals - normal vitals yesterday, he's now refusing vitals
Triggers - He had a phone call with his sister two days ago that seemed to upset him, but we don’t know the details of what was said.
Past Medical History
Previous similar episodes - has been settled until todayOther medical conditions - none
Drug History
Prescribed - Olanzapine 15mg nocte which he is refusing as it's “poison“Prescribed - Lorazepam 1mg oral which has not been tried yet
Allergies - None
Systems Review
If asked about physical symptoms say you're not sure because James has been withdrawn and is refusing Obs.Ideas / Concerns / Expectation
Concerns - We’re concerned that if he escalates, we might have to use physical restraint, which we want to avoid.Expectations - I'd like you to review as soon as possible doctor.
Discussion / Questions
You should be responsive to reassurance.
Start the Timer and Begin
Presenting complaint
Risk Assessment
Past Medical History
Drug History
Systems Reviews
Ideas, Concerns, Expectations
Examiner Instruction
At this point please direct the candidate to give their management plan to the nurse.
Submit for Scoring
Tags | Psych | Psychiatry | Acute Agitation | Psychosis | Schizophrenia | Communication
Station Written by: Dr Sara Pender
Peer Reviewed by: Dr Benjamin Armstrong
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