Psych Station 5
Station 5
I’m so tired i’ve been daydreaming of my bed… 🛏️
Candidate Instructions
You are a junior doctor working in a GP practice. This patient has presented with fatigue and difficulty concentrating.
Name: Carol Jones
1. Take a patient history.
2. Give your diagnosis to the examiner.
2. Answer any questions the patient may have.
Simulated Patient Instructions
Diagnosis: DepressionYou are Carol Jones (59)
You have presented to the GP practice with fatigue and difficulty concentrating.
Appearance and Behaviour
Aim to limit eye contact, speak in a low monotonous voice.
Opening statement
“My daughter suggested I should come in as I’ve been feeling quite tired and am struggling to concentrate.”
Information to Give Freely
For the past 9 months, I’ve noticed I’m quite tired throughout the day despite sleeping a solid 10 hours every night. At work, I’ve noticed it takes me longer to complete relatively simple tasks, as I often lose my train of thought.
Presenting Complaint
Mood - I suppose I’ve been feeling a little down. If prompted: the last time I’ve had 2 or more consecutive months without feeling low was approximately 5 years ago, before my husband died, but the last 9 months have been significantly worse.Sleep - I get a lot of sleep, at least 10 hours every night. If prompted: I don’t have any trouble falling asleep, or staying asleep. When I wake I do not feel refreshed, I’m already thinking about getting back to bed that evening.
Interest - I used to love to play bridge with my friends. But lately I just haven’t felt like going.
Guilt - No feelings of guilt.
Energy - My energy levels have been low over the last 9 months or so. I just don’t really feel like doing anything. I have to convince myself to get ready for work, and by the time I arrive at my desk, I’m exhausted.
Concentration: - This has been really troubling me. I used to be able to write my reports in my sleep! Now, it's taking me longer and longer to complete them as I lose my place or start thinking about another report. I’ve worked at this firm for almost 30 years now, but I am concerned that my slowed productivity might get me fired.
Psychomotor - Nothing noted.
Appetite - My appetite is good. If prompted: I have porridge with fruit for breakfast, fish and vegetables for my main meal in the middle of the day, and a light tea in the evening when I come home from work.
Suicide - no suicidal ideation. If prompted: my daughter is the main reason, I would never do that to her.
Anxiety - No issue with my nerves, or feeling irritable.
Mania - No feelings of grandiosity, flight of ideas, risky behaviour, or hyperactivity.
Psychosis - No visual/auditory hallucinations.
Obsessions/compulsions - No unwanted thoughts/images/impulses.
Past Medical History
Previous similar episodes - Losing my husband 5 years ago was very difficult, we were married for over 30 years. If asked: I believe my grief lasted approximately 3 months. By Christmas I was starting to get back to myself. I still miss him every day, but I have such fond memories to console me.Other medical conditions - high BP
Forensic History
Drug History
Prescribed - RamiprilOver the counter - None
Allergies - None
Family History
My sister has always suffered with her nerves. She’s never been in hospital, but I think she takes tablets.
Social History
Smoking - neverAlcohol - I do enjoy a glass of red wine in the evenings. If prompted: 2 6oz glasses every night.
Drugs - never used drugs Job - legal secretary
Home - lives alone in a house, fully independent
Trauma/childhoood - I have never experienced anything in my life that I would consider traumatic.
Systems Review
No systemic upsetIdeas / Concerns / Expectation
Ideas - I think I’m just getting old.Concerns - I know my daughter is quite concerned that I might have dementia, but she worries about everything!
Expectations - I’d really like to make sure everything is alright and I suppose if there's something to help me feel a little less tired during the day, I wouldn’t say no.
Discussion / Questions
If not already addressed: Ask if there are any non-pharmacological options that might help.
Start the Timer and Begin
Presenting complaint
Risk Assessment
Past Medical History
Drug History
Family History
Social History
Systems Reviews
Ideas, Concerns, Expectations
Examiner Instruction
At this point please direct the candidate to give their diagnosis.
Examiner Instruction
Please now state "In this scenario you went on to explain the diagnosis to the patient. They now have some questions for you, please answer the patients questions."
Actor prompt: “Do I need any tests to make sure this isn’t something more serious?”
Actor prompt: “Assuming this is depression, what treatment options are available to me?”
If the candidate starts explaining the treatment move them on by saying “Thanks doc, I researched that and know all about it. Is there anything else?”
Actor prompt: “Is there a way to track how well treatment is working?”
Submit for Scoring
Tags | Psych | Psychiatry | Depression | SSRI | HAD | PHQ9 | lethargy
Station Written by: Dr Sara Pender
Peer Reviewed by: Dr Benjamin Armstrong
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