Psychiatry Station 3


Station 3

What’s that donkey doing there?


Start the Timer and Begin



Presenting complaint


Assesses the patient’s cognition in a structured manner (e.g. 4AT). Asks about:

Assesses the patient’s understanding of their current situation and risks associated with making the decision to self-discharge including:

Past Medical History


Drug History


Family History


Social History


Systems Reviews


Ideas, Concerns, Expectations




This is because they are not able to:

  • Understand why there are in hospital or the treatment that is required for their pneumonia.
  • Understand the risks associated with making the decision to self-discharge (they do not believe they are unwell or are at risk of becoming very unwell without treatment).
  • Retain the information relevant to making this decision.
  • Management


    Management proposed should progress from least to most restrictive:

    Submit for Scoring

    Tags | Psych | Psychiatry | Capacity Assessment | Mental Health

    Station Written by: Dr Olivia Impey

    Peer Reviewed by: Dr Benjamin Armstrong

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