Paediatrics Station 1
Station 1
A Child with a Seizure
Candidate Instructions
You are a junior doctor working in paediatrics. This patient in brought in by her carer following and episode of limb jerking.
Name: Jennifer Thomas
1. Take a history from the carer.
2. Give your preferred diagnosis to the examiner.
3. Explain the diagnosis to the carer.
2. Answer the carer’s questions.
Simulated Patient Instructions
Diagnosis: Febrile ConvulsionIn this scenario we are asking you to role play a mother/father attending the Children’s Emergency Department after your daughter had an episode of limb jerking this morning. For this scenario, your details are:
Parent Name - Holly/Harry Thomas (age: 33)
Patient Name - Jennifer Thomas (age: 3)
Opening statement
““We were just about to feed Jenny this morning when she started shaking like she’d been electrocuted””
Information to Give Freely
Jenny’s been feeling a bit under the weather over the last few days, hasn’t been eating as much as normal and has had a temperature. She’s been ill before but never anything like this.
Presenting Complaint - before the seizure
What do you mean by ‘under the weather’? - She’s had a cough and runny nose for 2 daysHas she had a fever? - Yes, it’s been rising since last night. The last time you checked it was 38.7 a few hours before the seizure.
Did anything help reduce the fever? - You gave 1 dose of calpol but it didn’t seem to help so you were going to book a GP appointment for this afternoon.
Can you think of any triggers to the seizure? - No
Presenting Complaint - during the seizure
What did it look like? - Her whole body was jerking and movingHow long did it last? - 7 minutes
How did it progress - It didn’t progress or spread, it just started with the whole body shaking and then suddenly stopped
How many times has this happened in the last 24h? - only once
Did she lose consciousness - You aren’t completely sure
Did you manage to do anything to stop it? - No, it stopped by itself
Presenting Complaint - after the seizure
How was she afterwards? - She was drowsy for about 10 minutes and then came back to how she had been prior
Key Paediatric History Points
Pregnancy - no complications or issues. Took Folic Acid to 12 weeks otherwise no other meds.Birth - Vaginal in hospital at term. No complications. Weight 3.4kg, no admission to hospital
Immunisations - up to date.
Nutrition/feeding - Eating and drinking same number of times per day, but taking less per meal
Development - No concerns in any of the 4 domains.
Past Medical History
No episodes like this beforeOther conditions - Nil
Drug History
Prescribed - NilNo over the counter meds used
Allergies - Nil
Family History
Epilepsy - NoFebrile seizures - No
Sudden infant deaths - No
Social History
Who’s at home - Just you and her mother/fatherSmokers in the house? - No
Housing situation - Fixed abode, semi-detached house with stairs and appropriate safety measures
Social service involvement - No
Systemic Review
Positive FindingsIdeas / Concerns / Expectation
Ideas - “Is it a seizure of some sort?”Concerns - “Does she have epilepsy?”
Expectations - “Can you do something to help with her temperature?”
After taking a history, the candidate will confirm their diagnosis of (simple) febrile seizures with the examiner. Following this they will explain what this means to you. They should relay that children between 6 months - 6 years are at risk of having seizures if they develop a high temperature. If any jargon is used, act confused and ask the candidate to clarify.They may suggest that Jennifer may need admitting following assessment due to her decreased feeding, you should be receptive to this.
Questions for you to ask
If the candidate has not already explained any of the following adequately, please prompt further:Start the Timer and Begin
Presenting complaint
Extra Paediatric Questions
Past Medical History
Drug History
Family History
Social History
Systems Reviews
Ideas, Concerns, Expectations
Examiner instructions
At this point please direct the candidate to give their main differential diagnosis and proceed with the station.
Diagnosis & Interpretation
Submit for Scoring
Tags | Paediatrics | Febrile Convulsion | Seizures | Neurology
Station Written by: Dr Rishil Patel
Peer Reviewed by: Dr Kiran Bains
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