Psychiatry Station 1
Station 1
A History of Overdose
Candidate Instructions
You are a junior doctor working for liaison psychiatry. You have been asked to see a patient on the general medical ward who presented after a paracetamol overdose. They are stable and are being medically treated by the ward team. You have been asked for a psych review.
Name: Charlie Simpson
1. Take a history of the overdose from the patient.
2. Risk assess the patient.
3. Explain the patients risk to the examiner.
4. Explain your management plan to the examiner.
Simulated Patient Instructions
Diagnosis / Risk Level: High RiskIn this scenario we are asking you to role play a patient attending the emergency department following a medication overdose on a background of depression. The candidate will carry out a risk assessment, feedback their diagnosis to the examiner and then explain their management plan to the examiner.
For this scenario, your details are;
Patient Name: Charlie Simpson (age: 23)
Appearance and Behaviour
Avoid eye contact and talk quietly. Use closed off body language.
Opening statement
“I just took some pills. I just want to go home now, the other doctor said I was medically fit.”
Information to Give Freely
You’ve had a lot of time to think about it in lockdown and don’t see the point in going on any more.
Presenting Complaint - Overdose
How many did you take? - 30What strength? - 500 mg
All at once or staggered? - All at once
When did you take it/when was the last? - about an hour ago
Did you take anything else with the medications - No
Risk Assessment - Risk to Self
Is there anything that triggered it? - You lost your job about 6 months ago and you’ve been feeling down since then.Was there anything stopping you up until now - No
Risk Assessment - Risk to Others
Are you a carer? - NoAny pet at home? - You have some fish
Do you ever hear voices that others can’t hear? - No
Have you ever been involved with the police? - No
Risk Assessment - Risk to Property
Have you ever damaged any property? - NoNo other positive symptoms in history.
Past Medical History
Previous attempts - NoneHistory of self harm - No, but you thought about it
Other medical conditions - None
Previous involvement with mental health services - No
Drug History
Medications - NoneAllergies - None
Family History
Nil significant
Social History
Smoking - No (and hasn’t previously)Alcohol - Drinks a couple of pints of lager on weekends
Job - Unemployed
Housing - Lives in flat-share with a friend
Childhood - Nil significant, good relationships with family.
Ideas / Concerns / Expectation
Ideas - You don’t think this is a big issueConcerns - You’ll get put into hospital with all the ‘crazy’ people
Expectations - They’ll let you go
The candidate will then discuss their findings and management plan with the examiner. If they attempt to discuss this with you or inform you of their plans, you should be receptive to the suggestions made.
Start the Timer and Begin
History of overdose
Obtains clear history of overdose - including:
Risk assessment
Adequate assessment of risk to self - including:
Risk categorisation
Assessment and Management
Submit for Scoring
Tags | Psychiatry | Overdose | Depression | Risk Assessment
Station Written by: Dr Rishil Patel
Peer Reviewed by: Dr Claudius Ho
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