Orthopaedics Station 1
Station 1
A case of knee pain
Candidate Instructions
You are a junior doctor working in A&E. This patient has presented with a sore knee.
Name: Toby Snow
1. Take a focussed history from the patient.
2. Present your history to the examiner.
3. Interpret the investigations to the examiner.
4. Give your diagnosis and management plan to the examiner.
Simulated Patient Instructions
Diagnosis: Septic arthritis presenting with knee painYou are Toby Snow, a 40 year old male.
You have presented to A&E with pain in your left knee
Appearance and Behaviour
You should act as if you are in pain throughout, and getting annoyed at how much this has impacted your life.
Opening statement
“Well Doctor, it’s my knee. The last few days it has gotten so painful I can barely get around the house”
Information to Give Freely
It’s been all red and swollen over the last few days after I fell over at work and cut it.
Presenting Complaint
Site – Left kneeOnset – 4 days ago.
Character – it’s a throbbing pain in the left knee.
Radiation – You haven’t noticed any radiation of this pain, and no other joints have been affected.
Associated symptoms – Redness, swelling, knee feels hot and you’re having trouble weight bearing (ie loss of function). If specifically asked, you’ve noticed a fever (last measured at 38.2) over the last few days with shaking and chills. No discharge from the knee or laceration.
Timing – It’s been getting increasingly painful and inability to weight bear has been worsening.
Exacerbating/relieving factors – Ice packs helped a little, but the pain always comes back. Moving the knee makes it worse but you can’t think of anything specifically that may have caused it.
Severity – Pain has increased day by day and is now 9/10 (vs 5/10 to start), becoming unbearable. It’s massively affecting your life and ability to work.
Past Medical History
Previous similar episodes - None. No previous injuries to the kneeOther medical conditions - Type 2 Diabetes, Hypertension
Previous surgeries – Nil. You have no prosthetic joints.
Drug History
Prescribed – Metformin 500mg BD, Ramipril 5mg OD.Over the counter – You’ve tried paracetamol and ibuprofen as regular but they didn’t help.
Allergies – Penicillin. Only if asked, you get a generalised rash but no difficulty breathing.
Family History
Osteoarthritis, diabetes and hypertension run in the family. No autoimmune or rheumatological conditions.
Social History
Smoking history - Smokes 10/day with a 20 pack year history.Alcohol – A glass of wine or 2 on weekends.
Recreational drugs – you’ve never used recreational drugs of any type – IV or by other methods.
Sexual history (only answer these if explicitly asked) – You’ve only been with your husband (who is also from the UK and neither of you have ever travelled abroad) in the last 6 months and always use condoms. You’ve had both anal and oral sex. Neither of you have had other partners since getting married 15 years ago and were screened for HIV and sexually transmitted infections (blood tests) prior to this – all of which came back clear.
Occupation – Carpenter so I’m often kneeling
Activity - You’re typically quite active due to work.
Systems Review
General/red flags – Noticed fever (as per PC), NO weight loss, NO night sweatsNeuro – NO changes in sensation. NO change in power of muscles above or below joint. NO neuropathic (burning) pain. NO sensitivity to light.
Resp – Nil
Cardio - Nil
GI – Nil
GU – NO lower urinary tract symptoms, NO urethral discharge.
Derm – NO new rashes or lesions.
Ideas / Concerns / Expectation
Ideas – “I know arthritis runs in my family, is it that?”Concerns – “I’m concerned I won’t be able to work properly if it doesn’t get sorted”
Expectations – “Please help the pain”
Patient Results
Fluid Sample: Left knee joint aspirate
Name: Toby Snow
DoB: 10/06/1981
Date of Study:
Appearance | Purulent |
WBC Count | 70,000 |
Gram stain | Positive |
Crystals | Nil seen |
Start the Timer and Begin
Presenting complaint
- Redness
- Swelling
- Loss of function - in terms of movement or ability to weight bear
- Fevers
Past Medical History
Drug History
Family History
Social History
- Number of partners in 6 months
- Type of sex
- Use of protection
- Whether partners have been from abroad or whether patient has ever paid for sex
- Previous sexually transmitted infection screening and results
Systems Reviews
Ideas, Concerns, Expectations
Examiner Instruction
At this point please direct the candidate to move on to investigation requests, diagnosis, and management.
Diagnosis & Interpretation
Please interpret these results
Fluid Sample: Left knee joint aspirate
Name: Toby Snow
DoB: 10/06/1981
Date of Study:
Appearance | Purulent |
WBC Count | 70,000 |
Gram stain | Positive |
Crystals | Nil seen |
Assessment and Management
Submit for Scoring
Tags | Orthopaedics | Rheumatology | Joint | Septic Joint
Station Written by: Dr Ranj Bhakar
Peer Reviewed by: Dr Rishil Patel
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