Gen Med Station 2
Station 2
A case of chest pain
Candidate Instructions
You are a junior doctor working in A+E. This patient presents with new onset chest pain.
Name: Chester Payne
1. Take a history from the patient.
2. State which investigations you would like to the examiner.
3. Interpret the provided investigations.
4. Give your preferred diagnosis and management to the examiner.
Simulated Patient Instructions
Diagnosis: MI presenting with a chest painYou are Mr Chester Payne, a 69 year old male.
You have presented to A+E with centralised chest pain.
Appearance and Behaviour
During consultation you should act slightly flustered and hold your chest.
Opening statement
“I’ve had this weird pain in my chest since this morning and nothing is helping, please help doctor”
Information to Give Freely
It started when I was trying to get some chocolate from the top shelf this morning. I’ve been having similar pains for the past few weeks but it always goes away, this time it won’t go away so I thought I should come and get it checked out properly.
Presenting Complaint
Site - right in the middle of the chest.Onset - it came on very quickly this morning. It’s gotten slightly worse since it started.
Character - it’s like pressure, like someone is sitting on my chest.
Radiations - it’s getting worse now and spreading to my neck.
Associated symptoms -
Exacerbating/relieving factors - I was climbing the cupboards to reach the top shelf to get some chocolate when it started. I’m usually very inactive so I thought I'd just pulled a muscle with all the extra “exercise”. Sitting down makes it better but it won’t go away.
Severity - 7/10
Past Medical History
Previous similar episodes - I’ve had similar episodes of pain like this over the last few weeks but I just ignored it and it went away. The pain came about once a day last week.Other medical conditions - Peripheral vascular disease, high cholesterol, Type 2 Diabetes, hypertension, always struggled to maintain a healthy weight.
Previous surgeries - nil
Drug History
Prescribed - Ramipril and RosuvastatinOver the counter - Nil
Allergies - None
Family History
Dad died of a heart problem at 72 years old, you can’t remember the details.
Social History
Smoking - 10 cigs/day for about 40 years.Alcohol - Nil.
Job - Office Worker
Exercise - You're very sedentary and rarely exercise.
Diet - Your diet is very poor, if asked state "i'd eat takeout for every meal if I could afford it"
Systems Review
ENT - Mild dizziness.Resp - Mild breathlessness, the pain is NOT related to breathing.
Cardio - No palpatations
MSK - the pain is NOT made worse by movement.
No other symptoms
Ideas / Concerns / Expectation
Ideas - “I thought it might be muscular from reaching on top of cupboards this morning.”Concerns - “It’s not resolving so i’m a bit worried it might be the same as what my dad had and I could be dying?" Ask the doctor “am I going to die?”
Expectations - “I want to know what’s causing the pain.”
Discussion / Questions
After the history is complete the doctor will discuss further tests and treatment with the examiner, please have no further input as the patient.
Patient Results
Name: Mr Chester Payne
DoB: 01.06.1952
Date of Study:
ECG source : https://litfl.com/st-depression-does-not-localise/
Troponin |
260 (reference 0-14 ng/L) |
Start the Timer and Begin
Presenting complaint
Past Medical History
Drug History
Family History
Social History
Systems Reviews
Ideas, Concerns, Expectations
Examiner Instruction
At this point please direct the candidate to move on to investigation requests, diagnosis, and management. After the candidate has given their investigations please provide the Results under "see results" and request interpretation and treatment.
Diagnosis & Interpretation
Please interpret these results
Name: Mr Chester Payne
Age: 69
Date of Study:
ECG source : https://litfl.com/st-depression-does-not-localise/
Troponin |
260 (reference 0-14 ng/L) |
Assessment and Management
Submit for Scoring
Tags | Cardiology | MI | NSTEMI | STEMI
Station Written by: Dr Benjamin Armstrong
Peer Reviewed by: Dr Rishil Patel
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