Psychiatry Station 9
Station 9
Candidate Instructions
Mr Ahmed was recently diagnosed with bipolar mood disorder. He has been prescribed lithium as part of his treatment plan and is attending this appointment to receive counselling about starting lithium therapy. Physical examination, ECG, and bloods are normal. Rahul has no other past medical history and no drug allergies.
Name: Rahul Ahmed
1. Counsel the patient on initiating treatment with Lithium.
2. Answer any patient questions.
Simulated Patient Instructions
Diagnosis: Bipolar requiring lithiumYou are Rahul Ahmed, age 28
You are here to learn more about your recent prescription for Lithium.
Appearance and Behaviour
You appears nervous, but settle if the doctor is empathetic.
Opening statement
“The consultant recommended that I be started on Lithium, I have bipolar.”
Information to Give Freely
"I’ve heard lithium can have some serious side effects. Should I be worried?"
Ideas / Concerns / Expectation
Ideas - I’ve heard of Lithium, I don't know much else to be honest.Concerns - You are quite reluctant for any potential side effects, but you're not sure what they are.
Expectations - You don’t want to embarrass yourself again during another manic episode, as a result you will accept the side effects if explained in an empathetic way.
History of presenting complaint
Struggled with low mood for 10 years2 Manic episodes during this time, the last one was 1 month ago
Depressive symptoms - low mood, anhedonia, poor sleep, fatigue.
Manic symptoms (during episodes) - excess spending, sleeping just 4 hours per night.
Impact on life - very strained personal relationships, lost my last job due to odd behaviour at work during a manic episode.
Psychosis - no hallucinations or voices
Other symptoms - no compulsions
Risk Assessment
Self harm/suicide? - NoPolice altercations? - No
Thought of harming others? - No
Past Medical History
Nil else
Drug History
Medications - NoneAllergies - None
Social History
Smoking - NoAlcohol - No
Recreational drug use - No
Ask any questions from the following list that the student hasn’t already covered.At the end of the consultation, you agree to try the medication.
Start the Timer and Begin
Gathering information
Giving information
Explaining Mechanism of Action:
Explains Practical Points:
Explains Side Effects:
Explains Lifestyle and Monitoring:
Safety Netting
Actor Questions
If not already answered please also ask the following questions;
(marks already contained in the above mark scheme):
“How does Lithium work?”
“Will I need to change my diet or lifestyle while on lithium?”
“How will I know if my lithium levels are too high or too low?”
Submit for Scoring
Tags | Psychiatry | Counselling | Lithium | Lithium Counselling | Communication
Station Written by: Dr Sara Pender
Peer Reviewed by: Dr Benjamin Armstrong
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