Geriatrics Station 1
Station 1
Acute onset weakness
Candidate Instructions
You are a junior doctor working in ED. This patient has presented with sudden onset weakness.
Name: Scott James
1. Take a history from the patient.
2. Give your preferred diagnosis to the examiner.
3. Inform the patient of their diagnosis and answer any questions.
4. Give your initial management plan to the examiner.
Simulated Patient Instructions
Diagnosis: StrokeIn this scenario we are asking you to role play a patient attending the emergency department following sudden onset weakness.
For this scenario, your details are:
Patient Name: Scott James (age: 76)
Appearance and Behaviour
You have no speach or cognitive symptoms. Aim to look worried when asked about your concerns.
Opening statement
“Well doctor, I was eating my dinner and suddenly I couldn’t lift my fork up”
Information to Give Freely
You had sat down for dinner this evening and had been eating normally for about 10 minutes when you tried to lift your fork and you couldn’t. You tried to get up from the table and found that your leg wasn’t moving either
Presenting Complaint
Symptom and Site - Weakness in the LEFT arm and legOnset - came on over seconds 2 hours ago
Character - dense and complete left sided weakness
Radiation - Did it spread anywhere? - No, it stayed in arms and legs
Timing - constant with no change
Exacerbating/relieving facotrs - No relief, you came to hospital as soon as you could so didn’t get a chance to try much to help.
Severity - Are you able to move the affected limbs at all? - No, you’ve completely lost movement in both the LEFT arm and LEFT leg.
Any previous head or neck trauma? - No
Any history of falls? - No
Past Medical and Drug History
No episodes like this beforeDiabetes Type 2 (on Metformin)
Hypertension (on Ramipril and Amlodipine)
High Cholesterol (on Simvastatin)
No Allergies
Family History
Your father had a stroke at 68 but recovered well. Nil else of note.
Social History
Smoking - 30 a day for 35 years (quit 5 years ago)Alcohol - 2 glasses of red wine everyday because "i've heard it's good for your heart"
Home -
Baseline - You feel well in yourself both mentally and physically. Sometimes it’s difficult to keep on track of all the medications you take. Your wife and yourself help each other as needed.
Systemic Review
Ideas / Concerns / Expectation
Ideas - “Could it be a stroke, it seems similar to what my dad had”Concerns - “That I won’t be able to do the things I enjoy afterwards”
Expectations - “Could someone contact my wife and check that she’s okay and let her know what’s happening”
Discussion and Questions
The candidate will inform you that you are having a stroke. After they have explained the situation you ask...Start the Timer and Begin
Presenting complaint
Past Medical History
Drug History
Family History
Social History
Systems Reviews
Ideas, Concerns, Expectations
Examiner Instructions
At this point please direct the candidate to move on to give a diagnosis, and proceed with the station.
Diagnosis & Interpretation
Assessment and Management
Submit for Scoring
Tags | Neuro and neurology | Stroke mock OSCE Station | Geriatrics
Station Written by: Dr Amy Wray
Peer Reviewed by: Dr Jocelyn Mjojo
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