Geriatrics Station 2
Station 2
Don’t let this one floor you…
Candidate Instructions
You are a junior doctor working in A&E. The patient presents after being found on the floor at home by his wife.
Name: Steven Oluwole
1. Take a history from the patient.
2. Give your preferred diagnosis to the examiner.
3. Explain the diagnosis to the patient.
4. Give your initial management plan to the examiner.
Simulated Patient Instructions
Diagnosis: Orthostatic hypotension presenting as a fallYou are Steven Oluwole (Age: 82)
You have presented to the Emergency Department after being found on the floor at home by your wife.
Appearance and Behaviour
Aim to look slightly anxious, especially when talking about your wife being left at home and your heart condition.
Opening statement
“I think I fell over, my wife found me on the floor”
Information to Give Freely
You had been sitting on the sofa watching TV for about an hour. You stood up to get some water and suddenly felt very dizzy. You woke up on the floor but you were a bit in shock with what had happened and had a headache so you didn’t try to get up by yourself.
Presenting Complaint
Before the fall:Past Medical History
Prev episodes - No previous falls or loss of consciousnessOther conditions - Left-sided heart failure - you’ve been experiencing some breathlessness but mainly on exertion. You were started on a new water tablet for this only a few days ago.
Previous surgeries - No
Drug History
Prescribed - Bisoprolol and Ramipril for the last year. Furosemide started this week.OTC - Nil
Allergies - Nil
Family History
Nil significant
Social History
Smoking - Smoked 15 a day for 10 years, have now stoppedAlcohol - Half a glass of red wine every Saturday and Sunday
Home -
Mobilisation - No problems or walking aids
Job - Used to be a joiner, now retired
Baseline - Feel well in yourself both mentally and physically. Your wife and yourself help each other as needed and both enjoy gardening and watching game shows together.
Systems Review
General/red flags - NO fevers, NO weight loss, NO night sweatsNeuro - NO stroke symptoms or visual changes
ENT - Dizziness present but NO true vertigo, NO tinnitus, NO hearing loss
Resp - Mild breathlessness present as above. NO infective symptoms.
Cardio - Nil
GI - Vomitted as above
Urinary - Nil
MSK - Nil
Ideas / Concerns / Expectation
Ideas - “Could it be to do with my heart?”Concerns - You don’t want to have to stay in hospital and leave your wife alone”
Expectations - “Could you check my head as it’s quite painful”
Discussion / Questions
The candidate will explain that the diuretic you were started on may have caused the fall. If they state that it was a medication without further clarification you should ask “Which medication?”.
Start the Timer and Begin
Presenting complaint
Before the Fall
During the Fall
After the Fall
Past Medical History
Drug History
Family History
Social History
Systems Reviews
Ideas, Concerns, Expectations
Diagnosis & Interpretation
Assessment and Management
Submit for Scoring
Tags | Geriatrics | HCOLL | Falls | Orthostatic Hypotension
Station Written by: Dr Amy Wray
Peer Reviewed by: Dr Benjamin Armstrong
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