Gen Med Station 9
Station 9
Pain when I Pee
Candidate Instructions
You are a Foundation Year doctor working in a GP surgery. This patient has presented with pain on urination.
Amy Watson
1. Take a history from the patient.
2. Request investigations to the examiner
3. Interpret the results to the examiner.
4. Give your initial management plan to the examiner.
Simulated Patient Instructions
Diagnosis: Uncomplicated UTIYou are Amy Watson a 23yo female.
You have presented to your GP practice with pain on urination.
Appearance and Behaviour
Appear fidgety/unable to get comfortable
Opening statement
“So... I had been struggling with pain... when I went to the toilet...”
Presenting Complaint
Site - “down below” (urethra) and in your pelvis (put your hand on your pelvis/bladder).Onset - gradual onset yesterday morning
Character - stinging pain when passing urine
Radiations - around pelvis/lower abdomen
Exacerbating/relieving factors - Paracetamol has helped.
Severity - constant 6/10 lower abdo pain, 8/10 when passing urine. You've been to the toilet 15+ times today
Sexual History - sexually active with boyfriend. Only one partner, condoms used. No previous partners. Boyfriend also has no previous partners. LMP ended 3 days ago, it was normal. No abnormal discharge.
Past Medical History
Previous similar episodes - NilOther medical conditions - Depression, hayfever
Previous surgeries - Ankle repair for a fracture 4 years ago
Drug History
Prescribed - sertralineOver the counter - cetirizine, paracetamol
Allergies - penicillin : anaphylaxis
Recreational drugs- Nil
Family History
Mother- breast cancer
Social History
Smoking - never smokedAlcohol - Social only, < 14 units per week.
Home - Fully Independent. Lives in a flat with boyfriend Trevor who is currently fit & well.
Work - Data Analyst
Systems Review
General/red flags - Nil (specifically NO fever or flank pain)Neuro - Nil
Resp - Nil
Cardio - Nil
GI - some nausea, bowels open this morning
GU - Frequency, urgency, dysuria, haematuria, suprapubic tenderness, LMP= 3 days ago. No unusual discharge.
Ideas / Concerns / Expectation
Ideas - “Maybe an STI?"Concerns - “Has my boyfriend cheated on me?” (there are no social reasons the patient believes this. She is concerned because a friend suggested her symptoms sounded like an STI. She is happy and feels safe in her relationship.)
Expectations - “an I have some tablets to treat it?”
Start the Timer and Begin
Presenting complaint
Obtains clear history of presenting complaint, establishing:
Past Medical History
Drug History
Family History
Social History
Systems Reviews
Ideas, Concerns, Expectations
Examiner Instruction
At this point please direct the candidate to give their initial investigations.
Examiner Instruction
At this point please direct the candidate to interpret the following investigations.
Please interpret these results
Test: Urine Dip + Pregnancy Test | Name: Amy Watson | Date of study: at 08:35am
Test | Result |
Glucose | Neg |
Bilirubin | Neg |
Ketones | Neg |
pH | 9 (reference 4.5-8) |
Blood | ++ |
Protein | Neg |
Nitrite | ++ |
Leucocyte | +++ |
bHCG | Neg |
Interpretation & Diagnosis
A UTI is a largely clinical diagnosis. Urine dips should only be done when patients are symptomatic as false positives are common. Clinical diagnosis is based on 2 or more of; dysuria, frequency, urgency, cloudy urine, visible haematuria, supra-pubic tenderness, or new nocturia.
A mid stream urine sample is the preferred conclusive diagnostic test but in GP if there are no systemic symptoms it would be appropriate to initiate outpatient antibiotic therapy before culture has returned. If there are symptoms of STI then swabs would also be indicated.
Note, women receive 3 days of Abs for simple UTIs where as men receive 7. Women are generally more susceptible due to their urethral anatomy.
Submit for Scoring
Tags | GP | Urology | UTI | Cystitis
Station Written by: Dr Joanna Mantio
Peer Reviewed by: Dr Polly McGrath
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