Gen Med Station 8


Station 8

A headache


Start the Timer and Begin



Presenting complaint


Obtains clear history of presenting complaint, establishing:

Past Medical History


Drug History


Family History


Social History


Systems Reviews


Ideas, Concerns, Expectations


Examiner Instruction


At this point please direct the candidate to give their initial investigations.



Examiner Instruction


At this point please direct the candidate to interpret the following investigations.

Diagnosis & Management




Learning points;

  1. The classic triad of fever, neck stiffness and altered mental status only occurs in approx 45% of patients.

  2. Headache presents in 87% of cases.

  3. Take blood cultures before antibiotics ideally.

  4. LP should not delay giving antibiotics when clinical suspicion of meningitis is high.

  5. LP’s are contraindicated if there is a clinical risk of cerebral herniation; this can be indicated by dropped GCS, papilloedema, focal neurology, and seizures. This is why a careful clinical examination is key.

Submit for Scoring

Tags | Neuro and neurology | Bacterial Meningitis | Headache

Station Written by: Dr Megan Burns

Peer Reviewed by: Dr Polly McGrath

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