Gen Med Station 8
Station 8
A headache
Candidate Instructions
You are a Foundation Year doctor working in the AMU. This patient has presented with a headache.
Jeremy Colins
1. Take a history from the patient.
2. Request investigations to the examiner
3. Interpret the results to the examiner.
4. Give your initial management plan to the examiner.
Simulated Patient Instructions
Diagnosis: Bacterial MeningitisYou are Jeremy Collins, age 22.
You have been referred to AMU from the GP with a headache.
Opening statement
“My GP sent me in because she seemed to be worried about my headache.”
Information to Give Freely
I’ve had a headache for about 28hrs, and it seems to be getting worse. I’m finding it hard to concentrate at university. I’m aching all over, all my muscles seem to be sore.
Presenting Complaint
Site - Headache felt throughout head, no specific sites. ‘Hurts all over’.Onset - Yesterday, it came on fairly quickly and has been getting worse.
Character - Pulsing/throbbing and severe. Eye pain.
Radiations - Feels like the headache is spreading towards my neck, neck hurts.
Associated symptoms -
Exacerbating/relieving factors - Paracetamol and ibuprofen haven’t helped. Can I have some morphine?
Severity - Began as a 5/10 now closer to 8/10
Past Medical History
Previous similar episodes - NilOther medical conditions - Asthma, hayfever.
Previous surgeries - Appendectomy 5 years ago.
Drug History
Prescribed - Salbutamol inhaler.Over the counter - Paracetamol and ibuprofen for the pain
Allergies - Nil
Recreational drugs- Uses cannabis irregularly
Family History
Social History
Smoking - smokes 5/day, usually socially on nights outAlcohol - drinks 10 units in one sitting regularly. Does not have a daily drinking pattern. Last went out 3 days ago and drank lots has been feeling rough since.
Home - Lives in shared accomodation with flatmates. No one else is sick. Normally fully independent.
Systems Review
General/red flags - Fevers and lethargyNeuro - No focal neurology
Resp - Nil
Cardio - Nil
GI - Nil
GU - Nil
Joints - Nil
Ideas / Concerns / Expectation
Ideas - “I think i've maybe overdone it on the drinking”Concerns - “None”
Expectations - “I'd like some painkillers and to go home.”
Discussion / Questions
Can I go home?- The candidate should be able to effectively communicate the need for this patient to remain in hospital for further tests. They can offer suggestions of serious pathology that needs to be excluded. This should be done in a calm way.
Start the Timer and Begin
Presenting complaint
Obtains clear history of presenting complaint, establishing:
Past Medical History
Drug History
Family History
Social History
Systems Reviews
Ideas, Concerns, Expectations
Examiner Instruction
At this point please direct the candidate to give their initial investigations.
Examiner Instruction
At this point please direct the candidate to interpret the following investigations.
Please interpret these results
Test | Result |
FBC | WCC 19.2 (ref 4 - 11) |
CRP | 157 (ref <10) |
U&E | eGFR >60, Urea 7.2 Na 134 K 3.7 Cr 70 |
Blood Cultures | Pending |
Blood Glucose | 5.3 |
LP | Appearance- cloudy/turbid
CSF glucose <2.5mmol/L (ref 2.5 - 3.5, note it should be >70% plasma glucose) WBC >1000 x10*6/L (ref 0 - 5) Protein >1.5 g/L (ref 0.2 - 0.4) Raised opening pressure. |
Diagnosis & Management
Learning points;
The classic triad of fever, neck stiffness and altered mental status only occurs in approx 45% of patients.
Headache presents in 87% of cases.
Take blood cultures before antibiotics ideally.
LP should not delay giving antibiotics when clinical suspicion of meningitis is high.
LP’s are contraindicated if there is a clinical risk of cerebral herniation; this can be indicated by dropped GCS, papilloedema, focal neurology, and seizures. This is why a careful clinical examination is key.
Submit for Scoring
Tags | Neuro and neurology | Bacterial Meningitis | Headache
Station Written by: Dr Megan Burns
Peer Reviewed by: Dr Polly McGrath
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