Gen Med Station 3
Station 3
A nasty episode of diarrhoea
Candidate Instructions
You are a junior doctor working on the wards. This patient has presented with altered bowel habits.
Name: Steven Smith
1. Take a history from the patient.
2. State which investigations you would like to the examiner.
3. Interpret the investigations provided.
4. Give your preferred diagnosis and management to the examiner.
Simulated Patient Instructions
Diagnosis: IBD presenting with a diarrhoeaYou are Steven Smith, a 22 year old male.
You have presented to A&E with a 3 week history of tummy pain and diarrhoea.
Opening statement
“I’ve been having crampy tummy pain for the past 6 weeks, I thought it might have been something I ate but it’s been getting worse and worse. Now I've started to have really bad diarrhoea so I thought I should come in.”
Presenting Complaint
Site - generalised abdominal painOnset - it came on slowly over the course of a week
Character - it’s crampy pain which comes and goes, there’s always background pain
Radiations - no radiation.
Associated symptoms -
Exacerbating/relieving factors - you’ve noticed it’s a little worse when you eat lots of fibre. Nothing seems to help.
Severity - 5/10, up to 7/10 during a wave of cramps.
Past Medical History
Previous similar episodes - I’ve had similar episodes of cramps and diarrhoea like this over the last few years. They have always resolved and never been this bad. I’ve never sought medical help.Other medical conditions - You went to the doctor last year about red itchy eyes but they just gave you eye drops and it eventually went away. It was during an episode of diarrhoea but you didn’t mention this at the time.
Previous surgeries - nil
Drug History
Prescribed - NilOver the counter - Nil
Allergies - Nil
Family History
Your mother has a problem with her bowels but you’ve never discussed the name of her condition, she is on long term medication for this.
Social History
Smoking - quit 3 weeks ago, 2 pack year history (note, smoking is protective in UC)Alcohol - Nil
Job - Plumer
Normally very fit and well
Systems Review
General/red flags - At home you took your temperature and it was occasionally over 38oC.Ophthal - You have itchy red eyes which started last week (implying episcleritis/uveitis).
Weight - You’ve lost 3kg in the last few weeks.
ENT - No oral ulcers
GI - As per presenting complaint. NO vomit.
GU - No change in urinary habits
MSK - No joint involvement
Derm - No skin changes (e.g. erythema nodosum)
Ideas / Concerns / Expectation
Ideas - “I think it might have been something I ate. ”Concerns - “I’m worried there’s a chance it is cancer, because of this weight loss”
Expectations - “You want to take something to stop the diarrhoea.”
Discussion / Questions
Patient Results
Please interpret these results
Name: Mr Steven Smith
DoB: 02.02.1999
Date of Study: 3/28/2025
Case courtesy of Assoc Prof Craig Hacking, Radiopaedia.org. From the case rID: 40900
Blood results
Hb | CRP | Amylase | Culture |
(reference 130-180) |
(reference 0-10 mg/L) |
(reference 30-110 U/L) |
Endoscopy report
Endoscopy report |
Start the Timer and Begin
Presenting complaint
Obtains clear history of presenting complaint, establishing:
Past Medical History
Drug History
Family History
Social History
Systems Reviews
Ideas, Concerns, Expectations
Examiner Instruction
At this point please direct the candidate to give their initial investigations and review the investigations provided.
Diagnosis & Interpretation
Please interpret these results
Name: Mr Steven Smith
Date of Study: 3/28/2025

Case courtesy of Assoc Prof Craig Hacking, Radiopaedia.org. From the case rID: 40900
Blood results
Hb | CRP | Amylase | Culture |
(reference 130-180) |
(reference 0-10 mg/L) |
(reference 30-110 U/L) |
Endoscopy report
Endoscopy report |
Some extra details
There are several other medications used for mild-moderate flares of IBD but as a general rule, severe flares require IV steroids to settle the immediate flare, this is the most important initial therapy. The factors that suggest that this is a severe flare are; temperatures, Hb <105, and CRP >30. The fact that this has been ongoing for months suggests IBD. A similar presentation for only a couple of weeks would likely be put down to infective colitis, time frame is key.
Truelove-Witt criteria can be used to categorize the severity of UC.
Crohn’s disease activity index can be used for Crohn's.
Ultimately A biopsy result is required for the final diagnosis.
Submit for Scoring
Tags | GI | Gastroenterology | Diarrhoea | IBD | Crohn's disease | Ulcerative Colitis
Station Written by: Dr Benjamin Armstrong
Peer Reviewed by: Dr Rishil Patel
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