Gen Med Station 3


Station 3

A nasty episode of diarrhoea


Start the Timer and Begin



Presenting complaint


Obtains clear history of presenting complaint, establishing:

Past Medical History


Drug History


Family History


Social History


Systems Reviews


Ideas, Concerns, Expectations


Examiner Instruction


At this point please direct the candidate to give their initial investigations and review the investigations provided.

Diagnosis & Interpretation




Some extra details

There are several other medications used for mild-moderate flares of IBD but as a general rule, severe flares require IV steroids to settle the immediate flare, this is the most important initial therapy. The factors that suggest that this is a severe flare are; temperatures, Hb <105, and CRP >30. The fact that this has been ongoing for months suggests IBD. A similar presentation for only a couple of weeks would likely be put down to infective colitis, time frame is key.

Truelove-Witt criteria can be used to categorize the severity of UC.

Crohn’s disease activity index can be used for Crohn's.

Ultimately A biopsy result is required for the final diagnosis.

Submit for Scoring

Tags | GI | Gastroenterology | Diarrhoea | IBD | Crohn's disease | Ulcerative Colitis

Station Written by: Dr Benjamin Armstrong

Peer Reviewed by: Dr Rishil Patel

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