Gen Med Station 10
Station 10
A persistent cough
Candidate Instructions
You are a Foundation Year doctor working in a GP practice. This patient has presented with a cough.
Julie Mathews
1. Take a history from the patient.
2. Discuss your management plan with the patient
3. Answer any questions the patient may have.
Simulated Patient Instructions
Diagnosis: SCC lung cancer, presenting as a new coughYou are Julie Mathews. (age: 79)
You have presented to the GP surgery with a new cough that you have had for the last 2 months.
Appearance and Behaviour
You are a well kept 79 year old lady. You should not appear particularly concerned about it, if anything it's more of a daily annoyance than anything else. .
Opening statement
I’ve had this cough for the last month or two and it just hasn’t gone so I thought I’d come and see if you could give me a tablet or inhaler or something to get rid of it.
Information to Give Freely
It’s a cough but I’m not bringing anything up with it but I can’t seem to get rid of it.
Presenting Complaint
Site – Dry coughOnset – 8 weeks ago
Character - dry, not bringing up sputum or blood.
Associated symptoms - ONLY IF DIRECTLY ASKED
Exacerbating/relieving- nil
Severity – it is rather annoying and I can’t seem to stop coughing which is very annoying
Past Medical History
Previous similar episodes - nilOther medical conditions - Type 2 diabetes, Macular degeneration right eye, hypertension
Previous surgeries - Right mastectomy for breast cancer 10 years ago
Drug History
Prescribed - Amlodipine 5mg, paracetamol 1 gramOver the counter - nil
Allergies - penicillin (rash)
Family History
Your brother has hypertension
Social History
Smoking history - ex-smoker quit 6 months ago. Smoked 20 a day for 50 yearsAlcohol - about 4 glasses of wine a week
Home - Lives alone in a bungalow. Husband died last year
Mobility - independent
ADLs - no issues
Systems Review
General/red flags - night sweats, weightloss, fatigueNeuro - nil
ENT - nil
Resp - dry cough, nil chest pain, nil SOB
Cardio - nil
GI - loss of appetite
GU - nil
Joints - nil
Ideas / Concerns / Expectation
Ideas- Have I got a chest infectionConcerns- If it’s an infection is it getting worse
Expectations- can you give me an antibiotic or something?
Discussion / Questions
The student should explain empathetically that he is concerned about some of your symptoms and that they think further investigation is needed. They should mention that they are concerned about the possibility of lung cancer (given red flags, smoking history and previous breast cancer). If they don’t say why they are concerned then please ask if they are concerned.
They should explain they want to refer you on a 2week wait pathway for a chest X-ray and referral to the respiratory team. They will also ask for blood tests- ask what these will be.
If anything is unclear please ask for more details.
Become upset when the student tells you that they think you may have cancer- if they are empathetic then express that you appreciate it.
Start the Timer and Begin
Presenting complaint
Past Medical History
Drug History
Family History
Social History
- Type of house - Bungalow
- Who else is home - Lives alone
- Mobility - Independent without aids
Systems Review
Ideas, Concerns, Expectations
Examiner Instruction
At this point please direct the candidate to give their preferred diagnosis.
Examiner Instruction
At this point please direct the candidate to outline their management plan.
Submit for Scoring
Tags | Respiratory | Cough | Lung Cancer
Station Written by: Dr Joanna Mantio
Peer Reviewed by: Dr Megan Burns
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