Gen Med Examination 4


Station 4

Out of puff 💨


Start the Timer and Begin



End of Bed Inspection


Peripheral Examination


Clinical Finding -

please show this imagine

to the candidate

as they

examine the hands

James Heilman, MD, CC BY-SA 3.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons>

Resp Exam: Look


Resp Exam: Feel


Resp Exam: Listen


Peripheral exam continued


To Complete the Exam



For the purposes of this station the colleague receiving handover is a respiratory registrar. If there are elements of the handover/SBAR missing, please request these from the candidate.


An Example of a good summary:

Situation: “Today I examined a 60 year old gentleman presenting with shortness of breath and a cough”

Background: “I have no history from the patient at this time but he has presented to the acute medical unit”

Assessment: “On examination the patient was tachypneic and tachycardic with evidence of stigmata of respiratory disease such as tar staining, peripheral cyanosis, asterixis and a bounding pulse. On closer examination I found a wide-spread biphasic wheeze.”

Recommendation: “To complete my exam I would want to do a cardiovascular exam, history, CXR, blood gas, take bloods and speak to my senior to request further review.

Tip: After seeing patients of the wards, give yourselves 60 seconds to summarise that patient to a colleague using the SBAR model above. This is a very frequently tested skill.

Examiner Instruction


At this point please direct the candidate to interpret the blood gas below

Interpretation & Diagnosis


Submit for Scoring



Tags | Examination | Respiratory | Breathlessness | COPD | Gen Med

Station Written by: Dr Ryan Duffy

Peer Reviewed by: Dr Benjamin Armstrong

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