OBGYN Exam 1
Exam 1
Some worrying spotting.
Candidate Instructions
You are a Foundation Year doctor working in General Practice. This patient has presented with abnormal bleeding.
Lucy Jones
1. Take a brief history from the patient.
2. Perform a speculum examination.
3. Interpret and describe the findings provided to the examiner.
4. Explain your diagnosis to the patient.
Simulated Patient Instructions
Diagnosis: Cervical Ectropion - vaginal bleed
You are Lucy Jones, .
You have presented to General Practice with abnormal bleeding.
Opening statement
“‘I’ve noticed that I’ve been bleeding after sex and I’m not sure why”
Information to Give Freely
For the past couple of months you have noticed that you have been bleeding every time you have sex. You didn’t think anything of it at first but it has kept happening so you have come to the doctor to get it checked out.
Presenting Complaint
Site – Vaginal bleedingOnset – 2 months ago
Characterisation of bleeding
-- Bright red blood
-- Amount - using a pad everytime it occurs, only requires 1
-- Clots - nil
-- Pelvic pain - nil
-– Relation to period - nil
Radiation – Bleeding from any other areas? - No
Associated symptoms
-- NO Weight loss/night sweats/fevers
-- NO Anaemia symptoms e.g. dizziness, SoB, palpitations
-- NO abnormal or increased discharge
-- Dyspareunia present, slightly uncomfortable deep inside during sex but not enough to stop
Timing – it is happening every time you have sex but the amount of blood has not changed
Exacerbating factors - triggered by sex
Severity – you’re worried that this is a sign that something serious is going on, you're worrying about it contantly.
Gynae History
Last menstrual period - 16 days agoAge of menarche - 12 years old
How long are your cycles? - 28 days
Are they regular? - Yes
Any menorrhagia or dysmenorrhea? - No
Relevant sexual history/current status - Has been in relationship with boyfriend for 2 years
Smear status - 1 previous smear which was negative
Previous STI- none, last tested over 2 years ago
Obstetric History
Any previous pregnancies- No
Any previous terminations of pregnancy- No
Past Medical History
Drug History
Takes no regular medication other than COCP
Allergies - NKDA.
Contraceptive methods used - COCP which you started 3 months ago, you have good compliance, currently on day 9 of the packet
Family History
Nil significant.
Social History
No smoking, alcohol, or drug history.
Fully independent, works as a teacher.
Systems Review
No other issues.
Ideas / Concerns / Expectation
Ideas: Is this something serious?Concerns: I googled this and it mentioned cancer?
Expectations: Please could you run some tests and see what is going on?
Discussion / Questions
After the history is complete, the doctor will ask if they can perform a speculum examination which you should agree to.
Start the Timer and Begin
Presenting complaint
- Shortness of breath
- Palpitations
- Lightheadedness
Gynae History
Obstetric History
Past Medical History
Drug History
Family History
Social History
Systems Review
General/Red Flags (e.g. fevers, weight loss, night sweats)
Cardio (e.g. palpitations, chest pain)
Resp (e.g. cough, breathlessness)
GI (e.g. D+V, abdo pain)
GU (e.g. frequency, urgency, dysuria, haematuria)
Ideas, Concerns, Expectations
At the time where the candidate visualises the cervix please show them the below finding:
Please interpret this image
Name: Lucy Jones
Please inform the candidate of the correct diagnosis once they have given their differentials, regardless of whether their answer was correct or not
Submit for Scoring
In this case benign cervical ectropion is the most likely cause. With a careful history we can see that the COCP was started just prior to symptoms, and the COCP can cause ectropion. Despite this further investigations e.g. triple swabs and a pregnancy test to rule out other causes should be undertaken.
Ectropions are not contraindications to the COCP but for symptom control it may be worth discussion alternatives such as the progesterone only pill. Other treatment options are cautery, cryo or nitrate during colposcopy.
Student Prompt
Tags | OBGYN | vaginal bleeding | ectropion | PV bleeding
Station Written by: Dr Olivia Byrne
Peer Reviewed by: Dr Megan Burns