Psychiatry Station 2
Station 2
Candidate Instructions
You are an FY2 doctor working in a psychiatry unit. You are required to see the following patient:
Name: Mr James Riley
Mr Riley was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia 4 years ago. He has already been trialled on 2 antipsychotics with little effect. Your consultant reviewed him and has advised starting clozapine. Physical examination, ECG, and bloods are normal. James has no other past medical history and no drug allergies.
1. Counsel Mr Riley on initiating treatment with Clozapine.
2. Answer any questions he may have.
Simulated Patient Instructions
Diagnosis: Treatment resistant Paranoid schizophrenia diagnosed 4 years ago. Now requiring ClozapinePatient Name: Mr James Riley. 44 year old male.
Appearance and Behaviour
You are quiet and reserved. Poor eye contact throughout the consultation. You have limited insight into your condition. You seem sceptical as to whether this new medication will work. You have capacity.
Opening statement
“The consultant recommended that I should try a new tablet as my symptoms have worsened recently.”
Information to Give Freely
“I don’t understand why I need to try another tablet. The previous medications have not made any difference so I don’t think that this new tablet will help either.”
Presenting Complaint
Over the last 2 months, you have been hearing voices more frequently. This has been difficult to manage.
History of presenting complaint
You have been hearing voices in your head for many years.Usually, you are able to ignore the voices but recently they have become overpowering.
These have become more troublesome recently as you can hear multiple voices talking to each other, saying horrible things about you.
The voices don’t tell you to do anything in particular but they critique everything you do.
You don’t know who these voices belong to.
Risk Assessment
Self harm/suicide? - NoPolice altercations? - No
Thought of harming others? - No
Past Medical History
Nil else
Drug History
Medications - Previously had Olanzapine at maximal dose, stopped 1 year agoMedications - Currently on Aripiprazole at maximal dose
Allergies - None
Family History
Nil significant
Social History
Smoking - NoAlcohol - No
Recreational drug use - No
Ideas / Concerns / Expectation
Ideas - If asked, ‘have you heard of clozapine?’ just shake your head in disagreementConcerns - You are quite reluctant to try a new medication, especially one with lots of side effects.
Expectations - You want to stop hearing the voices as it is making you very unhappy.
Ask any questions from the following list that the student hasn’t already covered.At the end of the consultation, you agree to try the medication.
Start the Timer and Begin
Gathering information
Giving information
Explaining Mechanism of Action:
Explains Practical Points:
Explains Side Effects:
Explains Monitoring
Safety Netting
Actor Questions
If not already answered please also ask the following questions;
(marks already contained in the above mark scheme):
“How does Clozapine work?”
“Will Clozapine work better than the other medications I take?”
“Do I have to come for checkups once I start the medication?”
Submit for Scoring
Tags | Psychiatry | Overdose | Depression | Risk Assessment
Station Written by: Anjali Mehta
Peer Reviewed by: Dr Benjamin Armstrong
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